The mutual rights and obligations of the User and the Operator arising from the use of the Application shall be governed by the following general terms and conditions:
1 Definitions
1.1 In these Terms:
1.1.1 “Operator” means Prof. Mgr. Júlia Kanovská Halamová, PhD., Place of Business: Ružinovská 44, Bratislava 82103.
1.1.2 “Application” means the Self-Growth Institute internet Application whose main functionalities relate to research-based self-development and is accessible via the internet address
1.1.3 “GTCs” means these General Terms and Conditions.
1.1.4 “Agreement” means the Agreement concluded between the User and the Operator, the subject of which is the provision of a Licence whereby the User can use the Application under the conditions laid out in these GTCs.
1.1.5 “Licence” means a non-exclusive licence enabling use of the Application pursuant to the conditions laid out in these GTCs.
1.1.6 “User” means any legal or natural person who uses the Application other than the Operator.
1.1.7 “User Account” means the non-public part of the Application that the user can access having entered their Login Data.
1.1.8 “Login Data” means the unique combination of the User’s Login Name and the User’s Password selected by the User when creating the User Account and then stored in the Application database or automatically generated by the Application.
2 Process for entering into the Agreement to use the Application
2.1 The appearance of the “Personal Data Processing Terms” button in the user environment of the Application constitutes an invitation from the Operator to the potential User to enter into the Agreement.
2.2 By clicking on “I agree with the general terms and conditions and the processing of personal data” the User unconditionally accepts the invitation to enter into the Agreement and in so doing enters into the Agreement.
2.3 By clicking on the checkbox containing the description given in the text of “I agree with the general terms and conditions and the processing of personal data” and by then clicking on “I agree with the general terms and conditions and the processing of personal data” within the meaning of 2.2, the User agrees to the GTCs.
2.4 Once the User has entered into the Agreement, the following provisions of the GTCs come into effect.
3 Using the Application
3.1 The Operator shall grant the User a Licence within the scope and conditions set out in the User environment of the Application, especially those set out for the type of User Account.
3.2 The User undertakes to pay the Operator the Licence fee indicated in the User environment of the Application. If no fee is given for the specified type of use (especially for the specified type of User Account), the Licence is provided free of charge.
3.3 Where a fee is payable for the Licence, the Operator has the right to wait until payment of the Licence fee before fulfilling the obligations of the Agreement (e.g. making available a part or a functionality of the Application) and if the User does not pay the Licence fee in full immediately or within the timeframe set by the Operator, the Agreement shall be terminated without further delay.
3.4 The Operator shall be entitled to fully or partially disable the User’s User Account after the Licence has expired.
3.5 The User may not set up more than one User Account.
3.6 The User does not have the right to grant a third party a sublicence for use of the Application.
3.7 Any financial payments made through the Application or through a payment gateway connected to the Application shall be deemed to have been paid by crediting the full amount to the specified bank account belonging to the Operator.
3.8 The Operator has the right to suspend, change and/or disable access to the Application from the respective internet address at any time and for any reason.
3.9 The User has the right to use the current version of the Application from the respective internet address under the conditions laid down in the Agreement.
3.10 The User undertakes to use the Application in such a way that no damage is incurred to the User or through the use of the Application.
4 Database
4.1 The User is not entitled to use the Application to extract the database linked to the Application (especially through the use of software robots).
4.2 The User and the Operator hereby agree that any data entered by the User into the Application database are part of the database amassed by the Operator and become part of the Operator’s database without the User acquiring any rights to the Application database.
4.3 The Contracting Parties in full knowledge unanimously declare and unquestioningly accept that the data stored in the electronic system of the Application and database are reliable and handled systematically and sequentially and protected against alteration.
5 Personal data and cookies
5.1 The User’s Consent to the Use of Cookies by the Operator set out in Annex no. 1 of the GTCs forms an integral part of the Agreement.
5.2 The User’s Consent to provide personal data to the Operator set out in Annex no. 2 of the GTCs forms an integral part of the Agreement.
6 Liability for damage
6.1 The provisions of this article of the GTCs do not apply to the consumer.
6.2 The User hereby expressly waives the right to compensation from the Operator for gross negligence caused by the Operator, whether unintentionally or not, for the breach of any of the Operator’s obligation laid down in the Agreement or the GTCs and relating to the performance of the Agreement.
7 Changes to the GTCs
7.1 The User acknowledges that in the ordinary course of business the Operator enters into Agreements with large numbers of people and that these Agreements are binding over the long-term and make reference to these GTCs. The Contracting Parties willingly accept that the nature of the Operator’s obligations under the GTCs implies and implied prior to entering into the Agreement the reasonable need to make subsequent changes to the GTCs.
7.2 The Contracting Parties hereby agree that the Operator may within reason change the GTCs and that the User as the other Contracting Party shall be notified of any changes to the GTCs via an email sent to the email address entered into the Application by the User. In such cases the User has the right to reject the changes to the GTC and to terminate the obligation between the User and the Operator for that reason within one (1) calendar month beginning the day after notice is given that the Contracting Parties declare is sufficient to obtaining similar services from another entity.
7.3 In the event that a new Agreement is concluded for an existing User Account (i.e. the User Account is renewed or extended), the new Agreement is governed by the GTCs valid on the day on which the new Agreement is entered into.
8 Mandatory consumer information
8.1 This article of the GTC applies only to Users who are consumers. The provisions of this article of the GTC do not apply to entrepreneurs – sole proprietors or commercial companies.
8.2 The Operator hereby informs the User that:
8.2.1 The address for sending documents to the Operator is the same as the address of the Operator’s registered office given above;
8.2.2 The Operator’s telephone number is 0908604141;
8.2.3 The Operator’s address for electronic mail delivery is;
8.2.4 The Operator’s Licence fee is inclusive of all taxes and fees; the amount and/or method of calculation is set out in the Application;
8.2.5 The User is obliged to pay the Operator a Licence fee unless the Licence is provided free of charge in one of the ways set out in the User Environment of the Application;
8.2.6 The User shall not incur any delivery costs;
8.2.7 Use of the Application requires internet access and an internet browser;
8.2.8 The User reserves the right to withdraw from the Agreement without giving a reason and without penalty within 15 days from the day the transaction is entered into. Entering into the transaction means the granting of the Licence.
8.2.9 The User shall not incur any costs in respect of the Operator for the use of means of distance communication.
8.2.10 The data relating to the conclusion of the Agreement, including these terms and conditions, will be stored in the Application database and the User shall have access through the User’s User Account.
8.2.11 The User can check for any errors via the User’s User Account;
8.2.12 Errors arising during the data entry can be corrected via the Application and, where the Application does not allow that, via technical support using the contact information given in the Application;
8.2.13 The Operator shall comply with the laws of the Slovak Republic; other legal codes are not binding on the Operator;
8.2.14 The Operator shall not use any means of out-of-court dispute resolution;
8.2.15 The Agreement does not concern the delivery of goods so consumer rights relating to goods do not apply to the Application; Liability for any obvious or hidden defects in the Application that existed when the Application was made available to the User lies with the Operator under the conditions stipulated in the Agreement and the GTCs;
8.2.16 The User shall adhere to the GTCs, which form part of the Agreement, and to Slovak law.
8.2.17 The User may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authorities or state inspectorate. The Slovak Trade Inspectorate handles out-of-court consumer complaints in the manner and under the conditions set out in the relevant legislation.
9 Applicable law
9.1 These GTCs and the Agreement are governed by Slovak law.
9.2 Any disputes arising on the basis of the Contract and/or these GTCs will be decided by the competent courts of the Slovak Republic.
10 Entry into force
10.1 These GTC come into force and take effect on June 1, 2021.
Consent to the Processing of Cookies
1 What are cookies?
Cookies are short text files that a website sends to your browser. They enable the website to record information about your visit, such as the language you select. Consequently your subsequent visits to the site may be easier and more enjoyable. Cookies are important as it is much more difficult to browse the internet without them. Cookies enable us to improve the use of our website and adapt its content to suit your needs. Cookies are used by almost all websites across the world. Cookies are useful because they improve the user-friendliness of websites we visit frequently.
2 Types of cookies
Temporary cookies enable us to link up your actions when browsing the website. When your browser window opens these files are activated and when you close your browser window they are deactivated. Temporary cookies are deleted when you close your browser.
Permanent cookies help us to identify your computer when you repeatedly visit our website. Another advantage of permanent cookies is that they allow us to adapt our website to your needs.
3 Use of cookies
We hereby notify you that our website uses cookies, i.e. we process your cookies, both temporary ones and permanent ones.
This consent is granted for a period of 120 months.
Internet browsers usually include cookie management. Your browser settings will probably enable you to manually delete, block them or completely disable the use of individual cookies. For more information, consult the help on your internet browser.
4 Purposes of using cookies
We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media functions and to analyse our traffic. We share information about how you use our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners.
Besides the purpose stated in the previous paragraph, we only use cookies for the purposes set out in the terms and conditions.
Consenting to the use of personal data
1. I,
2. as a User of the Self-Growth Institute internet application that can be accessed via the Internet from the internet address:,
3. hereby agree, under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (“GDPR”) and Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and on Amendments to Certain Acts, to the collection, storage and processing of the personal data I provide to the Operator, which is the Self-Growth Institute, Place of Business: Ružinovská 44, Bratislava 82103, IČO: 37926802, and its registered office (hereinafter, “operator”) and I agree to my personal data being processed on behalf of the operator:
4. by the operator;
5. by any employee of the operator;
6. by any contractual partner of the operator;
7. by any research collaborator;
8. This consent is granted for an indefinite period of 120 months.
9. The operator declares that the purposes of the personal data processing, for which I provide this consent, are
10. sending commercial offers from the operator;
11. marketing purposes;
12. provision of personal data to third parties;
13. inclusion of personal data in the database;
14. making personal data available to third parties;
15. for research and educational data;
16. I declare that I am aware of my rights under § 28 and subsequently of the law and I declare that all data are accurate and true and are provided voluntarily.
17. The operator declares that personal data will be collected to the extent necessary for the fulfilment of the above purpose and processed solely in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected.
18. The operator declares that personal data will be processed:
19. automatically by computers and computer programs;
20. in written form;
21. This consent is a free and conscious expression of the will of the data subject and concerns the data subject’s authorization to process personal data.
22. Consent is provided by clicking on “I agree with the business conditions and processing of personal data in the user interface of the internet application described above”.