Self-growth institute
Welcome to the Self-Growth Institute! We are offering free self-growth mobile apps. These mobile applications address the most common issues people deal with when wanting to work on themselves, improve their relationships, and raise their work performance. The apps were created using the latest psychology findings and are research-proven. They were created by Professor Júlia Halamová from the Institute of Applied Psychology at Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Comenius University and funded by VEGA 1/0578/15 and VEGA 1/0075/19 research grants. So far, we have developed 2 apps for you to focus on
- Self-care,
- Emotional inteligence,
- and Searching for happiness (being developed)
- and Compassion satisfaction (being developed).
Each app consists of 14 tasks, one for you to do each day, and each task takes 15 minutes to complete on average. Why not follow us? We will gradually be adding more applications.
We hope you enjoy your self-growth!
By participating in this mobile app intervention you will gain the opportunity to explore current patterns in the way you behave towards yourself when facing failure. It will also help you learn to handle these situations more effectively and healthily. Failure is often accompanied by self-critical thoughts and unpleasant emotions, and these often make your subsequent behaviour worse. These daily tasks will help you learn to respond to yourself with greater understanding, compassion, and this will, paradoxically, increase the effectiveness of your behaviour and performance at work and in relationships. The intervention has been tested online and in groups and has a research-based effect on participants in clinical and non-clinical groups. That’s why we have decided to make it even more accessible and offer it to you as a mobile app.
The application can be downloaded here for ANDROID and iPHONE:
Emotional inteligence
By using this mobile app you will gain the opportunity to understand your emotions and current behaviour patterns towards yourself and your loved ones in everyday situations. It will also help you learn more effective and healthier ways to manage and use your emotions. These daily tasks will help you improve your emotional intelligence and thus increase the effectiveness of your behaviour and performance at work and in relationships. This intervention is being tested in group format and has a research-based effect on participants. That´s why we have decided to make it even more accessible and offer it to you in the form of a mobile app.
The application can be downloaded here for ANDROID and iPHONE:
Searching for Happiness
In preparation.
The application can be downloaded here for ANDROID and iPHONE: